【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Issue 131 (元曲专辑)

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[Editor's note] :

元曲是中华民族灿烂文化宝库中的一支奇葩,它在思想内容和艺术成就上都体现了独有的特色,And Tang poetry, Song poetry at the same time,成为我国文学史上三座重要的里程碑

Zhou Yunlai


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Yun mountain dripping water cave

(Xu Zaisi Pu)


    Green pine bamboo Shaofeng, ling hole extraordinary。潺孱流水,源源不断,惠济河山。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】洞连玉宇,室幽境秘,曾住龙颜。静修慧眼,睿谋天下,福佑人间。


Ma Chengbin




    West fairy Cave, Shiquan 嵱嵷。The clouds are high and the peaks are high。探潺淙,步龙宫,依稀别梦如泉涌,日月新天福大众。Gong, chanting through the ages, um, chanting through the ages。


Liu Jingping


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Visit Shaoshan again


    韶山红日,普天施惠,神州大地升平瑞。Under the auspices of your Majesty, you will be defeated。救民救国明兴废,正道行思昭至理。Mountain, miss you too。River, also miss you。




The Yellow Bell Palace·人月圆】瞻仰毛主席故居


    Mud walls, green tiles and huts, located in a small mountain。寻常阡陌,荷塘倒影,好个桑农!{幺篇}沧桑岁月,素茶淡饭,毓得真龙。矮门跨过,跃归大海,啸傲寰中!


Kang Cunbo


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Welcome the 20th


    复兴之路真豪迈,气爽天高盛会开,中华崛起赖良才。The best are here. The show is on。


Pan Yuxi


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 NonYin autumn

Look forward to the "20 Congress" of the Communist Party of China


    号角吹,舞红旗,东方傲立惊世奇。Shun Fang Shi, pull the crisis。The crowd favors you when you chase you straight。


Shang Zhongxian


[Zhong Lu · Hillside sheep] Shaoshan travel


    轻车前进,萦怀雅训,仰恭铜像花蓝觐。涤灰尘,扫残云,当年贪腐将除尽,面对逆风持舵稳。Come, still feel dear;Back, miss really。


Tang Yunying






Chung Hyeong-min


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Welcome

20th CPC National Congress


    The hammer sickle lifts up the collar and looks around the globe。动车组合,巡游航母,威震貔貅。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】披荆斩棘,欣开盛世,大写春秋。北京奥运,新冠防控,竞数风流。


Zou Yilin


【越调·The sky is clear of sand.沅江诗画墙


    盈盈一水相连,繁花两岸娇妍,妙手丹青万卷。River dyke flow gorgeously, pearl pair legend。



Xiang Caimei


【中吕·Trliang State】咏脱贫攻坚


    The spring breeze has been green old poor edge, birds and flowers fresh。昔时半饱薄衣寒,贫相伴,处境太心酸。(么)神州打响攻坚战,举全力共克时艰。解急需,谋长远,主兴产业,旧貌换新颜。


Pan Youxiang


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 New rural praise


    Pears and peaches are fresh。The bees fly and the butterflies turn。Hua building Qiao flower room。Attract a crowd of swallows。The clamour has stopped。The neon lights lit up the sky。Watch the old woman dance and spin。Poverty alleviation book。


Li Aiqun


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Appreciate Tianchi


    菡萏绽放,荷叶盎盎,连天万亩波飘荡。映骄阳,秀风光,帅哥靓妹心欢畅。Tourists look at the paintings by tram。Look, fish play fang;Smell, incense everywhere。


陈 丽


The Yellow Bell Palace·贺圣朝】为祖国而歌


    Yao and Shun days, (Hua) summer takeoff holding the whip。探访苍穹书锦篇,水兵深蓝护主权,陌野处,景娇妍,圆梦征程争帅先。


Kuang Bingfang


【越调·The sky is clear of sand.江南岸草根新居


     群楼耸立云天,赏山观水窗前,绿树鲜花映掩,鸟歌清婉。Bright lights and dancing。


Hu Xiaoru


【 Dashidiao · Green apricot 】

Let's start with Pelosi


    宝岛漫妖风,蔡英文、谄媚卑恭。Low brow begging rape right to get。引狼入室,谋皮于虎,与贼连宗。(幺篇,同始调)雷霆撼长空,我三军、腾海蛟龙。J-fighter missile thousands of Jun。(只见那)激涛巨浪,(只吓得)台军龟缩,(可笑那)“台独”装聋!





Pei's visit to Taiwan


    Crazy lady Pelosi, full of deceit。Plot to visit step down chess, dodge itinerary secret。Crafty, sneaky, stupid and proud。The English kneels, the teeth show, the tail worm and the fart。我有威严,从容施计,包抄战演习。Lock your legs, stop breathing, thank you for the opportunity!


Sun Peijun


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Return home in early autumn


    Now hometown by high-speed rail, the shadow outside the curtain moved the window。泛黄稻穗,随风招手,即入粮仓。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】(瞧)高粮玉米,果蔬滿垄,一路飘香。回乡很好,回乡很好,可种麻桑!


Tang Jinlan


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Xinjiang travel




Liao Aimin


【越调·The sky is clear sand


    敲门行动查疏,验明码绿成据,志愿帮扶社区。Finding out the facts and entering the household, the whole people are different in fighting the epidemic。



Yang Hanlin


Double tone · standing horse listening

The Shenzhou 14 manned spacecraft was successfully launched

Huaxia jubilant, giant arrows through the cloud leap jade palace。Millennium dream, manned visit the sky again。奇才三杰战功雄,太空建站谋猷勇。Explore the mystery, the fame of a thousand years of praise。

Wang Zuotai


【正宫·Sai Hongqiu 】 Farmer's music





Summer transport


【中吕·Happy spring to Putianle 】

Autumn visit Qingshui village


秋风送爽轻车快,花约吟朋笑靥开,长藤蔓架百瓜苔。Quick shot, great view shot row。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】品葡萄,观舟赛,商家游客,喜乐开怀。图画村,蓬莱寨,古老硪歌迷人魄,几墙诗赋匠心裁。观光悦心,田园称意,凤引凰来。




【中吕·Hillside sheep 】 into the Qingshui community



Bridge the fence,Crape myrtle archThe corridor is full of poems, calligraphy and paintings。左荷花,右蔬荚,大棚藤上葡萄挂,广场硪歌飞韵雅。Village, rich;Happy, Min。


注:硪,砸实地基用的一种工具。Here as a labor culture experience props。


Zhang Xianquan


Rhymes [Nan Lu·A flower

Happy to see Linli new image


Source for the Lishui water is clear, Ling explore the Fushan Kuang。The mountains are like green brocade, and the flowers are fragrant。Land of fish and rice。Every family has a bright future, and everyone has a long-cherished wish。Memories of the past, outstanding achievements。Look to the future, the road is wide。Liangzhou No.7Hate, poor country dirty soil。The next day Xin, fish warehouse granary。The hearts of thousands of families are in full bloom。Mountains overlooking, long channels。The guanting is as far as the eye can see。Walk the plain, step by step。Across the hills, everywhere thick makeup。In the forest, the birds sing melodious。In the flower hall, the singing is smooth。Square side, dance sonorous。This way, that way, the noise of the car。Flags filled the streets。A hundred years to start again, morale is high。隔尾改天换地豪情壮,前辈精神不可忘。Do not grieve over the past and the future。Qi Yang, Zhigang, to create a brilliant golden list。


Du Guangqian


【双调·Wind into the pines 】 China Changde poem wall




Fu Zuwei


【双调·The wind enters the pines


当今时代展宏猷,百业庆丰收。神州大地风光好,景区内、到处车流。I like to see the magnificent mountains and riversThousands of families to travel。


Xie Yongzhi


【中吕·Xi Chunlai praised the revitalization of rural areas



千倾稻穗金光秀,万亩棉田碧浪柔,香车路阔到琼楼。Real cow, singing and dancing to celebrate the harvest。


Jiang Qunfang


【中吕·Xichun Lai Zanwanghua Village


The mountains are green and the waters are green,砼道弯弯绕绿畴,全村农业创名优。Competing upstream, families celebrate harvest。


Gong Deqing


【仙吕·Half of a grape harvest


The grapes are ripe and there are crowds of guestsOpen the garden door and pick yourself。甜润晶莹模样俏,你瞧瞧,一半儿珠来一半儿宝。



黄 岚


【正宫·Sai Hongqiu

Yongzhang Gongmiao Lishui large bridge


桀敖澧水新潮弄,福船云影风樯动,长虹南北腾飞梦,稻香两岸金风送。Dongting water network horizontal,Yuan Li and Zhuang longitudinalThe sky of Chu is full of praise。


Xie Shoucheng


【双调·Drunk on the east wind

Praise beautiful village Taifu Wanghua village


王化山庄溢香,太浮樱谷飞凰。Good policy, rural prosperity。渠水流绕遍坡梁,道路宽宽接墅房,The little village sang praises to the party


Li Wenxing


【越调·The sky is clear of sand.楚城幸福人家


Bath river koi yellow flowers, put a boat lotus root mulberry。别墅红墙碧瓦,新村如画,楚城富裕人家。


    Note: Yellow flower is yellow croaker。




[Zhong Lu · Drunk singing] Ode to the prosperous world


Park square song, beautiful men dance。神州四季花枝俏,百姓风姿最好。


Zhang Xingrong


【 South Lu · Four pieces of jade 】 People out of poverty in the mountains



涧水边,黄金谷,草果柑橙胜珍珠。People get rich and happy road。Landscape green, since ancient times, beautiful picture。


Zhou Yulian


[Zhong Lu · Hillside sheep] Pass the village of Huaxi





Pei Zeqiu



Zanlinli village bus


When the peak turns, the water stops the bridge。(的溜溜)平安快爽,(郁葱葱)刻木山巅。(砼路通)农家小院,(站点达)果岭花田。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】乡村公路八方环,来往班车把梭穿。能源洁省绝乌烟,扫码零投两周全。Fresh, age free ticket。(The policy) accords with the wishes of the villagers。


Shu Daming


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Melon farmers in the mountains





Peng Dechu


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Hometown trip



春风一路山河俏,盈眸靓宇阳光照,车驰林荫花间道,莺歌燕舞人欢笑。Poor villages become rich villages, and remote lands take on a new look。The common people struggle to sing a plain tune。


Zhang Fengying


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Shengshi home








【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Hunan new appearance




Li Guoxi


【中吕·Half a happy life







【正宫·Drunk Taiping Linli County great changes



Tall buildings take the stars, the roads cross。The town is beautiful in four seasons and is livable。荒洲蜕变公园静,陋街不见商行盛,道河敲韵曲声轻,人间珺璟。


Hu Lianghan


【中吕·Drunk singing 】 Love people bus



The bus connects urban and rural areas to facilitate the passing of Li people。老人乘坐心舒畅,免费优先共享。


Huang Dachang


【越调·The sky is clear of sand.

100 street lights in the community of Zan Moon Island


华灯万盏如霞,社区美胜奇葩,落下银河素雅。Neon is picturesque, people are happy to bloom。


Lee Ben-eun


【仙吕·The new village built a large orchard




Yu Dianxi


The Palace of Zhonglu·Selling flowers Sound 】 Happy life happy people




Wang Zhaoxiong


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Spring full new countryside


阳春着色地丘黄,遍野浓香,蜂儿酿蜜采花廊。The waves of gold and the clouds are dazzling。Colorful clouds lift up the wind and waves。There is fragrance everywhere。The dragonfly is idle and the bees are fluttering。High sky, red sun, good time in March。


Jiang Laiqing


【正宫·White crane son 】 Mountain township new village



Roadside parking BMW, villas with tall buildings。The countryside in new clothes, everywhere flowers such as embroidery。


Hu Minghe


[General reference·Play children 】 Stone gate singing




三煞夹山寺,闯王陵,静安肃穆苍松挺。英雄一代飘萍赴,捣碎乾坤日月惊。The dream of the Zen-house is like walking thunder。



尾声Shi Yi beauty, drunk Wuling。培梧招商引凤竞,光彩辉耀新憧憬。





【正宫·Sai Hongqiu 】 Look at me more bright spots in China


交通名片全球播,鸟巢纪录频连破。亚行掌控中华舵,空间站入群星座。We will sing praises for poverty alleviation and fight epidemics and disasters。Practice world peace!


Jia Jingwei


【黄钟·Team son 】 Mountain village summer harvest scene


The sun is shining, the purple flower is spitting。田间稻谷闪金辉,坡地高粱开绿穗,塘里鱼儿翻溅水。(幺篇)稻机声脆,割禾镰带刈。小车拖谷谷成堆,机器插秧秧列队,翁媪收粮心悦喜。


Cheng Mingzhang


【双调·Bugong Song 】 Small village scene


沅江烟水茫茫,一片清潭,两岸花香。Boat to boat, literati and poets to enjoy the scenery。白鹤齐飞逐浪,鸟声欢歌尽显悠扬。Mountain farm, delicious fragrance。Such a blessed place Xianxiang, compared to Suzhou and Hangzhou。


Li Wending


【仙吕·Half of the rice seedlings



Half of it。


:Sprinkling, machine throwing seedlings。


李 勇


【正宫·Xiaoliang State 】 Tea nunnery night view


The bird leaves the nest at the beginning of the light, and the silk tube is harmonious。Arms around the waist hand in hand dancing。Love is on fire, drunk sister and brother。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】如诗似画今非昨,景祥和、享受生活。Villa building, shopping foreign goods。The years are as beautiful as a song。


Jia Aosong


【中吕·Hillside sheep

Zhangjiang River view on the west bank of Yuanjiang River


粼波鱼动,沙滩鸥咏,河边翘阁凌空耸。Purple reddish, willow branch Rong。Poem wall beside the water Danxia burst。Boardwalk crawling along the coast。峰,()Reflecting water, flowers,()Reflection water。


Li Jianguo


【仙吕·Half 】 Canyon rafting




孟 婆


【仙吕·Half 】 Takeshan Range Rover


竹山溪水好清凉,老树新茶特别香,云路弯弯幽里藏。Enjoy the scenery, half like crazy half cool。


Wei Yifang


The Yellow Bell Palace·Hongna Jacket 】 Belt and Road


出奇巧胜五通,惠世抑贫穷,远望接长空。Hand in hand with the people, thousands of hometown。大国雄风,构思良策,几谋篇,歌与共。


魏 灵


【中吕·Welcome fairy 】 Huangshan Sea of clouds





Li Changyou


【越调·By the stop person, spring is flourishing


旭日徐升添彩霞,夜露犹干滋百花。Yellow warblers cry on willow branches, purple butterflies boast。


Guo Yangchu


【仙吕·Half 】 Taocheng evening scene


黄昏江畔汇人流,无论冬春和夏秋,人寿年丰无庶愁。Half idle, half gossiping 逰。


Liu Baolin


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Farm home in the mountains


新楼空处有山花,翠竹青松锁富家,砼泥路绕房檐下。Vegetables fresh beef shrimp, pond fish also play lotus。(待客)纯粮酒,(迎宾)小宝马,都话桑麻。


Qu Meichu


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Market

(Ma Zhiyuan)


朝霞喜雀红墙, 人群行路匆忙。Enjoy while you can。Pick which one? Make up with ginseng soup, please。


Hou Zhongming


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 New countryside


小桥流水境通幽,已是瓷砖好瓦楼,珉铺坦道通村口。The lotus root under the grain and oil river is harvested and cultivated。(宝马)停南院,(奔驰)跑北洲,富上村头。


Liu Mingan


[Wind into the pines] The new look of the countryside


Thatched cottage smoke out building fresh, concrete road around the lake。鱼蛙跃水香荷满,稻花丛中笼青烟。The cars are constantly shuttling and the songs are ringing through the countryside。


Liu Binsheng


【越调·The sky is clear of sand.佩洛西窜访台湾




Li Nianxiang


[Hillside sheep] Homesick


The local voice is shaking, the heart of the world is longitudinal。Now think of native poetry。 Deep meaning, boundless love。Slanting sun still heart pain。 千里愁肠和泪涌, 忙,也触涌。 Idle, also touch the surge。


Zhang Liangzheng


[Half] Pelosi took to the stage




Guo Deying


【 Yuediao · Tianjingsha 】 Fight against the epidemic


The plague was often deliriousDisturb people's health。白褂红衫共享,民生无恙,食眠偕忘何妨?



Li Hengzhen


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 New countryside


In front of the small building of the country house, flowers and plants surround the wall。鳖虾戏水风莲动,稻梁熟黄越金川。Traffic to light cars continue, network sales for years。


Jiang Taicai


[Half] Night singing


夜深灯老未成篇,掷笔抬头问碧天。Cloud month making friends with yuan is Xuan。意绵绵,一半儿遮藏一半儿显。


熊 超


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Happy to move to a new house

(Ma Zhiyuan)


Blue sky, clear water, lotus pond gold carp lotus。The villa has red walls and blue tiles。Ancient garden building, grass and lush new home。


鄢 洁


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Farmhouse




Yuan Ruilin


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Greater Meilang State


Wuling Mountain under Langzhou city, generations out of the elite。一湾碧水穿城过,桃花吐妍柳传情。Ink sea poetry wall dazzling color, bring all things Xinrong。


Zhou Xigui


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Jujube king


Vast Huaxia light, blazing thousands of feet。Jia Zhou pregnant root, big tree can be called king。(带)褐色五龙狂,长笑立苍黄。Jujube soup is the only way to eliminate plague that day。Flying, wild geese sing loudly。Taste it. Chellonese fruit。


Li Yinwei





秋来云鉴,疯婆作乱,窜台挑衅吾红线。守边关,我维权,海疆经纬图标见。The military exercise swords break the courage。The demon will be beheaded;The devil shall be beheaded。


Zhang Wanjun


【正宫·Sai Hongqiu 】 Happy new countryside

(Zhang Kejiu Style)




Li Chengwu


【正宫·Hyachne song Xiantao Village lotus appreciation


Yan chasing Huan, Hui wind sweet。The west son lingers with a smile。把伞遮容窥碧玉,一尘不染问青莲。

Wind lock, dream soul lead。A thousand acres of lotus pond。诗韵留香争艳色,紫罗圆菂润心田。

Wave boat also, find the heart。The red sleeves are still blooming。且喜仙桃来墨客,因何得偶醉长天。

Sparrow bit ring, old once knew。Who knows the rhyme is difficult。翠绿似流佳事许,红娇私语两投缘。


Wan Jinli


【正宫·Two Mandarin ducks visit Meijiazhou old revolutionary area





Fu Yitian


【商调·Look far away

The centenary of the Communist Party of China


    长夜难熬,华夏腾蛟,南湖舟下桡。The ship light points to the waves flying, the helmsman laughs。Wind and clouds laugh, reef beach danger。The waves bend sharply, listen to the flute playing in the sky。黎民乐、泊岸旗绕,纪元鸣响新征炮。


Lin Dexin


【中吕·Drunk singing with red embroidery shoes 】 farmhouse music


亮幢幢村貌叠重,竞艳艳花团簇拥。篱笆小院蝶扇动,扇醒春情一垄。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】桃李门前卖弄,鸭鹅溪畔呆萌。The smoke from cooking POTS falls in the forest。几巡酤酒瓮,分坐就青丛,桌上人风情万种。


郝 峻


【双调·Wild goose son fall belt victory order


Fish happy water laugh, flowers drunk bee hee play。芙蓉(笑眼)看蝶飞,菱角(悦耳)听鸿唳。Cell phones with messages, cars flying back and forth。Bearing ancient poetry song road, innovative pen dance floor。开心,勤送贫穷去;抬眸,喜迎幸福来。


Nie Yulong


[Zhenggong · Saihongqiu] China's high-speed rail




Song Haoxi


【 Yuediao · Tianjing sand 】 Science and technology to promote agriculture


棉花稻谷高粱,园蔬瓜果丰穰,禽畜精心饲养。Years of wealth, don't forget to help science and technology。


Zhan Songbai


The Palace of Zhonglu·Hillside sheep赞常德高铁


笛声鸣谷,车轮飞舞!常德高铁穿云雾。奔征途,绘新图,风驰电掣关山渡,海角天涯连一路。Today, power speed, Ming, more Yulu!。


Advancing to a friend


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Chinese Valentine's Day


露凝棠棣现清阴,夜赏星光乞巧临,鹊横银汉桥之甚。Love is deep in July, the world is gloomy。Cowherd will, Weaver heart, and look at now。


Zhou Chunyan



China's No. 3 carrier Fujian Liangjian


Sheng Chang, column, bugle sound mighty。The battle flag on both sides of the Pujiang River is flying。Ship's third rod。Hot water, waves, long distance across the ocean。The navy is strong。Escort, protect Xinjiang, China more prosperous。


Luo Yanli




韶山冲里山房住,兄弟三人别家去。Reading new books, stepping, sowing()Grow through wind and rain。【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】挽狂澜、万里长征,过草地延安赴。喜红旗、插遍神州,创伟绩、萦怀美誉。


Shen Qunhong


[Zhong Lu · Welcome fairy] Praise

Dingcheng Yuxia street city was founded


改旧城,换新天,条条巷街添美篇。The Bund is beautiful and the industry beautiful。Cultural travel business circle, charm Jiangnan now。




【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Qai Xiang


Qai Yang behind the house。Green and fragrant。Lead dragonfly comic drama side。A few butterflies are busy making friends and flying away。

Detoxification mosquito kill strong, only agkistrodon。Pill foot bath moxibustion hospital。Two or three old friends came together to talk about the family。



Zhou Chunxiu



Sister tour flower rock Creek · Wuxi Lake


波光清亮,船依航向,天堂白鹭惊飞放。Stay villa, smell the flowers。Green pine tower porch window beautiful。拍照娇姿多式样,观,心最爽,游,身健朗。


Jiang Yongcai


【越调·The sky is clear of sand.酷暑夜难眠

(New compilation of Poetry rhyme)


At night, the clouds are light and the wind is light。The bright moon looks like a mirror in the sky。The street lights and the shadows, a curtain can not clear the dream。


Li Lihui


【 Big stone tune · Newborn moon 】

Experience Tujia folk marriage activities


头遭坐乘花轿上,喜帕蒙头红嫁裳。(Listening to that) Mother crying and singing。Drums beating, bridal chair shaking。(眼见那媒婆喜气洋洋)扭腰舞扇不停忙。



Lou Dehua


【正宫·Trliang StateJiangnan scenic belt


The blue ink and the willow branches are dancingA rush of tourists。江边苇草水云多,凉亭坐,岸涌杏花波。(幺)古城变化瞻文贺,画墙风景喜吟哦。曲径幽,廊桥卧,沅南楼眺,处处奏春歌。


Zhu Shibin


【双调·narcissusFeel the situation across the Taiwan Strait




He Daxiao


【双调·narcissusAutumn scenery of Jiangcun




晴空鹤飞树林幽,村野清秋玉米牛。Orange red orange lantern pomelo, pastoral golden autumn。辣椒甘薯芳洲,琼楼美,晚稻优,硕果丰收。


Zhou Xiaosi


【中吕·Wind into the pines 】 Hometown changes




Li Junde


【双调·Narcissus 】 Farm tour countryside beauty

(Yixiao Haoyun)


湖光闪闪鸭鹅娇,池水粼粼鳖蟹螯。Futao cotton silver still qiao, Pingchuan Jindaozhao。Orchard, full of fragrance floating。Spring breeze, summer rain, no hard work。


Yuan Qingqing


【中吕·Drunk and singing in hot summer






[Double tone · Laurel Award] Cultural power


Potpourri sunrise east。China prosperity, international prestige。国粹弘扬,初心不忘,善德崇彰。The 20th day is dawning again。Write a poem rhyme fragrance。国运增强,奋进征程,再创辉煌。


He Yongzhang


【仙吕·Drunk Midday: The New look of Rhine Town


New road outside the district, new house in the hospital。A new wind enters the community, stirring up a new mood。处处清新目睹,颂歌新舞,创新再展宏图。



Luo Liwu


【双调·Receiving Jiangnan Belt plum Wine 】

Great changes in mountain villages



清清河面映蓝天,艳阳照水柳笼烟,桂花绽放廪仓缠,山里果圆,丰收忙毕酒香甜。(too) Happy car slow, lock sonar sound happy。Word of good news, Moon boy。All (come) to see fresh。Zhang female, Li male。(省)城美女、(嫁给)了山(里)男、喜 进院、(新郎把个)新嫂子,抱胸前。The crowd heckled and laughed loudly。龙狮舞(庆),合唱队(欢)。(山里)人日子 (永远)是那(样)甜!


Qian Jianming


【双调·Narcissus 】 Ode to Lotus


莲台万盏喜临风,醉暖华池绽秀容。The sludge does not stain the true praise,Fang Xiu Zen enlightenment, ancient poet heartfeltPoetic dream, beautiful Chong, elegant neon。


Zhu Mingyan


【中吕·Hillside Sheep: I love the painting of my hometown


丹霞红叶,喷泉花榭,丰收季节农家悦。上台阶,促和谐,能工巧匠兴家业。The mighty Pass passes now and again。Building, cloud connection;People, people in paintings。


Wu Rongrong


【 Main Palace · Saihongqiu 】 Military parade praise


戎装凛凛雄兵健,铿铿步履人称羡。The spirit of God is often present。War eagles line up in the cloud。三军扬国威,猎猎旌旗遍,守疆固垒时时炼。


Han Youjun


[Zhenggong · Saihongqiu] Look forward to the reunification of the motherland

(Zhang Kejiu Style)


海风卷起冲天翼,战鹰俯瞰驱邪魅。日光岩上思亲泪,琴敲鼓浪山犹醉。A pulse of yellow, both sides of the arms stretched out。Brothers can never abandon each other。


Wang Xuezhen






Huang Zhanfu


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 The Dragon Boat Festival again


Moxa fragrant summer air first steaming。Lotus-buds tinged with red flowers。桂棹齐飞,龙舟破浪,击水千层。Zhaosun and moon loyal soul forever。Shakes the wind and shakes the waters forever。The sun rises in the east。Look at my China, thousands of miles。


Gu Kong 'an


[Yue tone · Day sand net] Village concrete road praise

(Ma Zhiyuan)


昔时土路泥巴,而今砼道连家,柳绿桃红靓雅。Under the fluorescent lights, invited to take a walk。


Zhao Zhifu


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Night tour willow leaf Lake

(新韵  Zhang Kejiu Style)


A hook-and-moonkiss clear wave。Several lamps illuminate the Willow River。The fish rejoiced at the sight。Worms come and snatch。The boat sails lightly through the waves。Fresh from tea。女又歌。The scenery is beautiful and the wind is harmonious。


Zou Minghui


【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】 Yong agriculture

(According to Zhang Kejiu Qu)


A thousand small buildings, ten thousand small boats。In a suit and tie, I don't think I used to。房前屋后山泉秀,田间地里禾棉厚,藤边树上果瓜收。Freedom for all。


Yang Pihao


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 Liuhu spring soft


长堤翠柳沙洲,远山绿岛银鸥,碧水蓝天麓薮。At dawn, the wind likes to send spring soft。





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