Happy poems from the whip - Changde Poetry Society held 2021 annual work summary meeting in Anxiang

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A happy poem speaks of ambition

-- Changde Poetry Society was held in Anxiang2021Annual work summary meeting



1213日至15Richangde Poetry Society was held in Anxiang County2021Annual work summary meeting。


The meeting was divided into three sessions。14On the morning of the day, an office meeting of the president of the Poetry Society was held to discuss the development plan (draft) of the poetry work during the "14th • Fifth" period of the Poetry Society of Changde, and the relevant responsible persons of the working bodies of the poetry society were adjusted in accordance with the regulations。


14On the afternoon of the day, all participants visited the poetry teaching achievements of Huangshantou Town in Anxiang, which won the honorary plaque of "Town of Chinese Poetry", visited the poetry association of Jiegou Community in the town and the "Bai Jia poetry wall" and "Bai Jia Family" poetry magazine, and observed the poetry teaching classroom of Jiegou Village on the spot;Visited "Jingjiang Flood Diversion South Gate" and "Tangjiagang Site"。


15On the morning, the poetry Society was held2021Annual work summary meeting。The meeting was attended by the vice president of the Poetry Society, the resident staff, the president of the district, county and city (administrative committee) and the municipal branch。The meeting by the city poetry society president Zhou Yunlai comrade presided over。Zhang Haiqing, secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Federation of Literature, and Feng Dejun, former secretary of the Party Group, attended the meeting to guide, Xin Jun, propaganda minister of the Anxiang County Party Committee, attended the meeting to congratulate and deliver a speech, and the Anxiang County Federation of Literature and Literature gave strong support to the meeting, and the Anxiang County Poetry Society provided warm, thoughtful, serious and careful service。At the summary meeting, Comrade Liu Jingping, executive vice president and secretary general of the Poetry Society of the city, notified the work of the society for a year on behalf of the society, and on2022Preliminary arrangements for the annual work are proposed。The president of each branch of the district, county and city (management committee) and city and city respectively made a speech and introduced the unit2021Annual work status and2022Year's work plan。The work of the poetry society at the city and county level is really colorful and has its own characteristics。Zhou Zeqiang, former vice president of the city poetry Society, made a resignation speech。


Then Zhang Haiqing, secretary of the Party Group of the City Federation of Arts, delivered a speech。Highly affirmed the work of the Poetry Society in the past year, and commented that the poetry society of the city is "a passionate society, a dynamic society, a quality society, and a society with attitude".。在肯定成绩的同时,要求全市各级诗词组织认真学习贯彻习近平总书记在中国文联第十一次代表大会、中国作协第十次代表大会上的重要讲话精神。It is required to organize and build the society well,The poetry society is required to cultivate poetry talents,Discover poetry talents;Write poetry well,Carry forward traditional poetry culture and contribute to local economic, social and cultural development;Exercise well,According to the characteristics of older members of poetry society,Older members are required to nurture their old age,Happy poetry。


Finally, the city poetry society president Zhou Yunlai comrade made a summary speech。Shuoshi Poetry Society2021The successful completion of the task, mainly thanks to the strong leadership of the propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Federation of Literature, the support of the district and county (city) leaders, the love of the superior poetry organization, and the district and county()The cooperation of the president of the Poetry Society benefited from the hard work of the editors and reviewers。Both city and county level societies are required,一是要认真学习贯彻习近平总书记在中国文联第十一次代表大会、中国作协第十次代表大会上的重要讲话精神,Conscientiously implement the "Fourteen • Five" poetry work development plan of the Municipal Poetry Society;Second, we should further carry out the "eight into five" activities;Third, vigorously train key members,Excellent member;Fourth, carefully organize the activities of collecting wind;Fifth, strive to improve the quality of the journal;Six is to actively declare the creation of Chinese poetry town;Seventh, effectively strengthen the link between the upper and lower levels;Eighth, we will effectively strengthen self-development。


    Written by: Pan Yuxi

    Editor: Kang Cunbo

    Production: Text   

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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